Weekly Announcements - February 9th, 2025

Sick and Shut In: Let us continue to keep in prayer our sick and shut-in, the homeless, and the needy.

Prayer Requests:

       ▪︎ Bro. Nash - Aunt Chris has improved and has moved to a rehabilitation facility, traveling grace
       ▪︎ Bro. Pippins - Traveling grace
       ▪︎ Prayers for all of the families of the Park Ave Church of Christ congregation

■  Sunday Evening Class: Class is in session every Sunday at 3 p.m. This week, we will be studying the Book of Revelations. Bro. Davis also has a YouTube Station that you can keep up with present and past classes. Bro. Davis's YouTube Station is: www.youtube.com/c/WayneDavis7

Potluck: There will be a Potluck immediately following Sunday Services today. Everyone stay and fellowship with one another!

Youth Event: Thank you to everyone who participated in our youth event. A great time was had by all!

Tax Summary: Member Tax Summaries will be available on February 2, 2025. There is a form on the bulletin board to request your copy.

■ Ladies Bible Class: Ladies Bible class will be held on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Ladies Bible Class is held on the 1st & 3rd Saturday of each month from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM at the church building. We are studying the Book of Genesis.

New Sign in Sheets: There will be new sign-in sheets posted in the upcoming week for our new Children's Church Program and Morning Greeters. See Sis. Cynthia Boyd for more information.

■ Benevolence Committee –  See. Bro. Fahjon for any questions about what donations are needed.

■ Church Building Clean-up – There is a list on the bulletin board for the designated Family/member to clean the building each month. Anyone wanting to be added to the list please see Sis. Nash.

■ Contribution Envelopes: Add your Benevolence Offering to your envelope. Please write: Name, Date and Amount on your contribution envelope and make payable to: Park Avenue Church of Christ.

For previous weeks' announcements, please visit the Announcements Archive Page.